Driver Training Tips & Advice
Driving is about RISK.
Therefore, I think it is of the utmost importance that we think about how we are to survive on today's often dangerous roads. You will be taught various systems of car control to keep safe. Key competencies to become a safe driver are:
- 1) Awareness.
- 2) Anticipation.
- 3) Forward Planning.
Basically translated as: What's going on? What could happen? What is your plan?
Do you have the above components? Do you have some but lack others? How can you improve?
Try to be more observant. Whether you're behind the wheel, in the passenger seat, cycling or just strolling along the road. SCAN the environment. MOVE your EYES!
Try not to drive like the stereotypical "learner". You should be part of everyday traffic and not an obstruction!
Many learner drivers make the mistake of thinking: "Let's drive at 6 mph below the limit – that way I'm being CAREFUL." This is not the best idea and will only lead to others becoming frustrated with your actions. A good tip is that if all conditions are in your favour, such as weather and visibility being great and the traffic flowing really well, drive like you're late for an appointment BUT you have a traffic Police car behind you! This way, you should be brisk and businesslike, whilst being safe and observing the speed limit. You should be driving at a safe, suitable speed for the conditions, without breaking the law!
I will encourage you to become a safe, courteous driver who can make progress when conditions allow. You should enjoy your course as well.